The JCC Jayhawks women's volleyball team (2-2) took on the Trojans of Allegany College of Maryland. The Trojans won the first set 25-19. Then, Jamestown came back the next set winning it 25-19. However, the Trojans had the Jayhawks number this day and won the third set 15-10. The Jayhawks were lead by #2 Destiny Potlow (Olean) with 5 kills, #4 Ashley Butman (Jamestown) with 6 kills and 10 digs, #5 Carly Abbate (Panama) with 24 assists, #7 Dannon Pischera (Falconer) with 16 digs, #9 Hannah Vezina (Southwestern) with 7 kills, and #10 Madison Alexander (Southwestern) with 6 kills and 7 digs.