Nate Skonieczny
Nate Skonieczny
Year: Freshman
Hometown: Stow, OH
High School: Walsh Jesuit
Major: Individual Studies

Nate Skonieczny is a member of the Jayhawks wrestling team at JCC.  He is a freshman from Stow, OH.  He racked up substantial honors and acknowledgements as a participant in football and wrestling in high school.  These include two-time Ohio state champion and Ironman champion, four-time Ohio state place finisher, and both a Flow wrestling champion and runner up.  The Cleveland Browns NFL team is his favorite.  Skonieczny's plans following graduation are to continue his education and wrestling career at the division 1 college level.  He is working on an Individual Studies major from JCC.


Spotlight Athlete of the Week
January 20, 2016

Nate Skonieczny is the Spotlight Athlete of the Week for January 20, 2016.  Skonieczny wrestles for the Jayhawks, and he recently won the Mount Union Open.

He was previously competed at Kent State University and was struggling there to balance academics and athletics.  He decided a junior college would be a better fit for him, and knew the coaches thought it would be a good fit also.  Wrestling has always been a part of his life, winning him two state titles in high school.

Skonieczny likes the competitive nature of college athletics.  His goals for the season are to win all of the remaining matches including a national title.

Next year Skonieczny plans on moving back to the Division 1 level to continue with academics and wrestling.  He has a passion for art and is currently majoring in Graphic Design.  He says he would love to work designing logos and clothing.

"Athletics only will carry you so far in life," says Skonieczny.  "At some point there will come a time where you will have to give it up.  Don't push your academics to the side.  Focus on your education just as much as your sport.  You will be glad you did it later in life."
